
Monday, February 13, 2012

Clarke Historical Library Upcoming Event Schedule

With the Spring Semester in full swing, the Clarke Historical Library is gearing up for several exciting events.

This is the last week of our Student Life and Learning at CMU exhibit. If you haven't seen it, make sure to stop in before we close on Saturday to see this exhibit.

In honor of President's Day, the Clarke Historical Library will be sponsoring an exhibit of presidential autographs and an accompanying presentation. These autographs, from our first 43 presidents, will be available for viewing in the Baber Room of the Park Library from February 20 - 22. On the evening of the 20th, Clarke Historical Library Director Frank Boles will discuss the history of presidential elections. The founding fathers probably would not have been pleased about how the process played out. The presentation and reception will take place in the Baber Room, with the presentation beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Finally, we will soon be welcoming our new exhibit, A Delightful Destination: Little Traverse Bay at the Turn of the Century. In 1900 tourists and season residents flocked to waterfront communities around Little Traverse Bay including Petoskey and Harbor Springs. Luxury hotels opened serving fresh oysters and lobsters. Railroad and steamship companies created elaborate advertising campaigns that rival the current Pure Michigan program and an economy and way of life still visible today were created. Through vintage maps, photographs, books and postcards, A Delightful Destination: Little Traverse Bay at the Turn of the Century explores the region’s transportation, cultural, and economic growth during this colorful period between 1890 and 1920. This exhibit will run through May 31.

To open the exhibit on February 29th, award-winning author Michael Federspiel will discuss the history of tourism in the first years of the Twentieth Century in and around Little Traverse Bay. This event will take place at 7:00 pm in the Park Library Auditorium with a reception following in the Clarke Historical Library.

For a list of all of our presentations and exhibits, follow this blog or download our schedule of presentations via this link (scheduled events may change, so please check the schedule to stya up to date).