
Monday, April 30, 2012

Clarke staff bids farewell to graduating seniors

by Christa Clare

If you have visited the Clarke Historical Library in person, you already know that our student employees are a big part of the daily operations of running the library smoothly. In the reading room, they assist our users with many duties from making photocopies to doing minor research. They prep documents for microfilming, run errands, help with the Clarke website, and process collections. They often are given many of our tedious jobs and they do them cheerfully. Many of our students come to us as freshmen, and leave 4 or 5 years later when they graduate and head out into the “real world.” This year we have five such students graduating on May 5. Between the 5 of them, they total close to 20 years of experience!

We wish our graduating students well and thank them for their exceptional service to the library. Besides taking a bit of us with them, they leave a little of themselves behind, too.

Pictured Back row left to right: Hannah Jenkins (5 years) , Andreah Grove (1 year), Andrew Kreiner (4 years)

Front Row : Clay Kreiner (4 ½ years), and Andrea Plude-Binge (5 years)