
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Clarke Featured in HSM Chronicle

The Clarke Historical Library was featured in the Member Spotlight section of the Summer 2013 Chronicle - a quarterly publication of the Historical Society of Michigan (HSM). The write-up includes information about the history of the Clarke, our collections, our exhibits and lecture series, and the services we provide.

We appreciate the support of the Historical Society of Michigan and the opportunity to be featured in their publication. In addition to information about the Clarke, the Summer 2013 Chronicle includes news from the Historical Society, details about upcoming events, and articles concerning the history of taxing churches in Michigan, southwest Michigan's role in the Underground Railroad, the Battle of Lake Erie, Minoru Yamasaki - a pioneering architect in Michigan, and Michigan's telegraphy pioneers.

Chronicle is a benefit of membership in the HSM. You can find more information about subscribing to this magazine, the other publications of the HSM and becoming a member of the Historical Society of Michigan via this link.