
Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day - CM Life Personals Edition

by Casey "Chase me" Gamble

The Clarke Historical Library wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day! We LOVE being able to share historical documents with patrons from all different places! CMU students also have a "history" of showing love to each other through the CM Life Newspaper.

It seemed to begin in the 1970s, with only one or two submissions to the paper, like this one that we found particularly sweet:

The idea grew quickly, with dozens of people sending their love. We liked this column from 1975 - being worth more that a Volkswagen is pretty special...and 9 zillion years - that's a long time:

Soon the paper was inviting students to send more, filling up multiple pages worth.
It may be more convenient nowadays to express love for your significant other through Facebook or Twitter (#ValentinesDay #dinnerwithbae #ILYSM), the newspaper tradition clearly has not died down (see today's personals in the CM Life, pictured below), and we think it's more of a grand gesture. Some things have changed. The colorful print, the handcuffs. But it's all the same kind of love, isn't it?

We wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day.