
Monday, July 13, 2015

Nancy Auer to Speak about the Great Lakes Sturgeon

On Tuesday, July 14, Nancy Auer, co-editor of The Great Lake Sturgeon, will speak about the book. The collected volume captures many aspects of the remarkable Great Lakes sturgeon, from the mythical to the critically real. Lake sturgeon is sacred to some, impressive to many, and endangered in the Great Lakes. A fish whose ancestry reaches back millions of years and that can live over a century and grow to six feet or more, the Great Lakes lake sturgeon was once considered useless, and then overfished nearly to extinction.

A professor at Michigan Technological University with a doctorate in biological sciences, Nancy Auer has dedicated much of her career to the study and restoration of the lake sturgeon. She is one of the region's leading experts on the fish.

This presentation will be held in the Park Library Auditorium beginning at 7:00 pm. It is free and open to the public. An author's reception in the Clarke Historical Library will follow the presentation.