
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

John Bonamego Looking Out For His Teammates

1984 CMU Team Photo with
John Bonamego (left) and Aubrey Wade (right)

A CM Life profile of former CMU football player Aubrey Wade from September 24, 1986 (p. 3) explored Wade's work as a bouncer at the Wayside. He discussed the job and some of the odd things he saw as a bouncer. He also mentioned how he took the job. At first, when it was suggested to him by his roommate - none other than CMU's Coach Bono - Wade wasn't keen to the idea. But after some convincing, Wade took the job and, from the article, seemed to be a good fit.

On the field and off the field, Coach Bono has always been looking out for others around him.

Click on the article for a larger image

Fire Up, Coach Bono and Fire Up, Chips!