
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wrapping Up Archives Processing

by Marian Matyn

The end of the term means various archival processing projects are wrapping up.

Thanks to Chad and Suli, the Morley Bros. Oversized volumes are mostly in order and the listing is nearly done. Kipp, Cassie, and Brian helped reshelve the identified, organized volumes.

All Oversized volumes are Morley

All Oversized volumes are Morley

All Volumes and Oversized volumes are Morley

Cassie and Kipp are done with processing and nearly done with the finding aid for PMRR Saginaw station (Dennis Wolfe)

PMRR Saginaw Station completed last week

Brian is finishing up Nottawa Twp. records addition. Processed, labeled (nearly), finding aid nearly complete.

Nottawa addition

Jordan is still sorting children's art postcards for the DigMichNews 2015-2016 competition collection. There are still postcards from two finalists to sort and folder.

DigMichNews competition 2015-2016, children's art postcards

Here's a cool photo of Boyne Mountain's ski lift

Here's another cool postcard. The fish and way the art is created reminds me of Celtic imagery and the fish scales of the armor in the Bayeux Tapestry, depicting William the Conqueror. See the armor here

Now the processing room is almost empty. New projects await in the stacks for summer 2016.