
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Congratulations to Marian Matyn

By Frank Boles
Governor Rick Snyder has appointed the Clarke Historical Library’s archivist, Associate Professor Marian Matyn, along with one other person, to the State Historical Records Advisory Board.
“I thank these individuals for working to preserve Michigan’s great history for future generations,” Snyder said.
Housed within the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the seven-member board serves as a central advisory body for historical records planning and for National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) funded projects in the state. The board acts as a coordinating body to facilitate cooperation and communication among historical records repositories and information agencies within the state, and as a state-level review body for grant proposals that meet National Historical Publications and Records Commission grant program guidelines.
Among its initiatives is the Board’s "Save Michigan History" campaign. The campaign offers financial assistance to groups within local communities to preserve and make available to the public historical records.  In 2017 awards were made to:
        City of Dexter
        Saugatuck-Douglas History Center
        Lathrup Village Historical Society
NHPRC is a component part of the National Archives. The National Archives is responsible for maintaining the historical records of the federal government. Through the NHPRC program it also reaches out to assist state and local agencies to preserve historical records relevant to their areas of interest.
The Library’s Board of Governors and staff congratulates Marian on this important appointment and distinct honor.