
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Let's Go Back: Aladdin Homes

By John Fierst

The first edition of “Let’s Go Back” aired December 4 on WCMU radio's Morning Edition and will air again this evening on All Things Considered between 6:44 and 6:50.

 “Let’s Go Back” is a new WCMU Public Media series that highlights collections held in the Clarke Historical Library.  It is being produced by Matthew Ozanich (television) and Michael Horace (radio), working with Bryan Whitledge and myself at the Clarke.  Bryan brought the idea for the program back with him from a Society of American Archivists conference in Austin. 

It is a great way to advertise the Clarke Historical Library.  And it has been a whole lot of fun working with Matt and Mike to put together the first edition, which features our Aladdin kit home collection. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any footage back in the ‘90s of our humble director, Frank Boles, renting a truck and driving the entire Aladdin collection to Chicago to be fumigated, a colorful side of the story left out.

Here is a link to the online version: