
Friday, February 25, 2022

Student Wins Grant

By Marian Matyn

Katie Higley won The Nancy Mysel Legacy Grant, a $5,000 Grant for Film Preservation Students! Since 2020 Katie worked initially as a volunteer and now as a student employee in the Clarke Historical Library on the Moving Image Film Preservation Project.  Her work in the project includes archivally processing, splicing, describing, viewing, and archivally housing mostly Channel 9 & 10 News original film footage. Katie also trains and reviews other film students’ work and helps train and plan work for the film students with Marian. Working on the Film Project inspired Katie to wonder about films in Michigan museums and how they were being used, if at all. This led to her conducting a statewide survey as part of her McNair Scholar research. Her paper, "Reel Talk: The Current State of Film Collections in Michigan Museums," analyzing the results of her survey, will soon be published in the The Moving Image, the academic paper-reviewed journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists. Katie is a junior at CMU in the Museum Studies Program. Marian Matyn, her supervisor and mentor, is very grateful for Katie’s work and extremely proud of Katie and her accomplishments. Read more about her award here